Vera Rubin : a life

"The first biography of a pioneering scientist who made significant contributions to our understanding of dark matter and championed the advancement of women in science. One of the great lingering mysteries of the universe is dark matter. Scientists are not sure what it is, but most believe it’...

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Podrobná bibliografie
Hlavní autor: Mitton, Jacqueline, 1948- (Autor) 
Další autoři: Mitton, Simon, 1946- (Autor) 
Médium: Kniha
Vydáno: Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2021
Tagy: Přidat tag
Žádné tagy, Buďte první, kdo otaguje tento záznam!
  • The lure of the stars
  • An aspiring astronomer
  • Cornell and the rotating universe
  • Georgetown, Gamow, and galaxies
  • A professional astronomer at last
  • The call of the dome
  • The delight of discovery
  • Adventures in Andromeda
  • Bright light on dark matter
  • The dynamic universe
  • Speaking out for women
  • Wonderful life