Clason, Willem Elbertus, 1898-
Biographical Details: | Nizozemský autor encyklopedií. |
Alternative names: |
Clason, W. E., 1898- |
Source: |
Clason, W. E.: Elsevier's dictionnary of measurement and control KB-NBN LC (Names) |
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- Dictionary of pure and applied physics.
- Elsevier dictionnaire de physique générale : En six langues anglais / américain, francais, espagnol, italien, hollandais et allemand
- Elsevier dictionnaire de radiotechnique, amplification, modulation, émission et réception en six languages Anglais/Américain, Francais, Espagnol, Italien, Hollandais et Allemand
- Elsevier's dictionary of automatic control in four languages : English, American, French, German and Russian.
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- Elsevier's dictionary of general physics : In six languages: English/American-French-Spanish-Italian-Dutch and German
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- Elsevier's dictionary of tools and ironware : In six languages. English/American-French-Spanish-Italian-Dutch and German
- Elsevier's telecommunication dictionary : In six languages. English/American-French-Spanish-Italian-Dutch and German
- Elsevier´s dictionary of amplification, modulation, reception and transmission : In six languages: English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and German.
- Elsevier´s dictionary of amplification, modulation, reception and transmission : In six languages: English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and german
- Elsevier´s dictionary of electronics and waveguides in six languages
- Elsevier´s dictionary of general physics in six languages English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and German
- Elsevier´s dictionary of television, radar and antennas in six languages: English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and German.
- Elsevier´s Fachwörterbuch für Elektrotechnik und Wellenleiter in sechs Sprachen
- Elseviers dictionary of electronics and waveguides : Russian supplement
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- Elsevierś Fachwörterbuchder Regelungstechnik in vier Sprachen Englisch /Amerikanisch/ Französisch Deutsch /Russisch
- Russian supplement to Elsevier´s dictionary of amplification, modulation, reception and transmission
- Supplement to the Elsevier dictionaries of electronics, nucleonics and telecommunication in six languages English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and German
- Swedisch supplement to Elsevier´s dictionary of electronics and waveguides
- Wörterbuch der reinen und angevandten Physik.
- Wörterbuch der reinen und angewandten Physik.